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    Michael Hurst @Hamalo

    Age 30, Male

    Slinging Tacos

    Path of Least Resistence

    Joined on 4/18/07

    Exp Points:
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    6.50 votes
    Police Lieutenant
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    Hamalo's News

    Posted by Hamalo - April 12th, 2008

    No, really, I am

    I'm Better Than You

    Posted by Hamalo - March 23rd, 2008

    I got the first post in Tom Fulp's Happy Easter thread...Am I Cool Yet?

    Don't you just love Dr. Seuss?

    Edit:// Nevermind, BigBadRon deleted it...even though TomFulp didn't feel it was necessary...*sigh* I swear BBR hates me

    Am I Cool Yet?

    Posted by Hamalo - August 24th, 2007

    Before You Read: I made this story a while ago, on my old account that I don't use anymore. All of the characters were people who posted in my thread saying they wanted to be in the story, and if any of those people are still on newgrounds and if your reading this, the names in the story are the names that you had at the time i wrote the story...Enjoy!

    Chapter 1:
    "I hate you, Mom!" I said as i slammed the door. This wasn't the first fight my Mom and I have had ever since my dad died in a plane accident.
    So I walked out to our garage and gtabbed the keys for my nice new Mustang Convertible. As I was getting into the car I was thinking of where I could go now, since I knew I wasn't going back into that house for a while. As I was driving down the highway I remebered what my friend told me a long time ago about this place about 50 miles from where I live called Newgrounds, so I decided to go there and check it out.
    When I got there I saw a giant line waiting to go in, so I waited for hours, and then finally when I got to a booth, the man looked at me and asked, "So you wanna get in?", and of course I said "Yes", then he said ok and gave me a sheet to fill out on the sheet it said:

    First Name:
    Last Name:

    So I filled out the First Name and Last Name, and then I wondered.."What would I need a username for?" So I had to think of a Username, but I couldn't think of anything, but then one hit me! NG-Unit, now I knew it wasn't the best name, but it was mine, and it was kinda funny, so I put that in the sheet, and then when I wrote my Password onto the peice of paper it automaticly turned into just a group of asterics **********.

    So I handed the sheet of the paper to the guy at the booth and he put it into a machine, and then a drivers license looking card poped out of the machine, then the guy gave me the card and that it was my Newgrounds Gold Card, it would allow me into Newgrounds whenever I wanted to. Then as I went through the gate I was amazed, I saw giant skyscrapers and theaters everywhere! Then I wondered where I was going to stay, so I looked at my Newgrounds Gold Card and saw that my room number was 1523, "Wow, there's a lot of rooms!" I said. So I walked along till I found a giant skyscraper with the word "Appartments" on it, so I figured this is where my room must be, as I went into the building I noticed a huge lobby with a bunch of different looking people in it, and then I noticed an elevator, so I went over to the elevator and waited for it to stop on my floor, and when it did I stepped inside and looked for the buttons saying what floor this elevator goes too, I noticed that there was 25 different floors that had rooms on them, and i didn't know which floor to go to, so I looked on my Newgrounds Gold Card, and it said "Floor 9", so I pressed the button to go to floor 9.

    When I got to the 9th floor, I saw 3 different directions you could turn, and I was wondering which way to go, so I looked on the Newgrounds Gold Card, but it didn't say which way to go, so I figured I would take the left one and then if that wasn't right go back and try and the middle and if that wasn't right come back and try the right one. In the end my room was on right side, so it was the last place I looked. As soon as I got to my room I relized there was a lock and the guy at the booth didn't give me a key, but it was a lock where you have to slip your keycard into it, so I tried to use my Newgrounds Gold Card, and it worked.

    When I got into the room, I noticed it was HUGE, and there was a window so I could look down at all the people on the streets of Newgrounds. I looked around my room and I noticed there was already a closet full of my sized cloths, and they were all pretty good looking \cloths. I decided to change and go check out what I could do in Newgrounds.

    Chapter 2:

    When I walked outside of the appartments I saw a building with Hundreds of Thousands of people around it, as I got closer I could see that there was a sign with the letters BBS on it, so I went inside to see what BBS stood for. I asked a lot of people but they just called me Noobish and then walked away, then I finally found a person who would tell me,
    "Hey, Whats the BBS?" I said
    "Its a place where people tell other people about stuff, it can really be about anything"
    "What are you doing?" I said
    "I'm just going around listening to interesting storys"
    "Sounds fun, what's your name anyway? I might need some more help with the other stuff in Newgrounds, I'm new here"
    "Ok, my names -LagerKapo-"
    "Alright I'll find you if I need anything"

    So I lurked around the BBS trying to find something interesting, but I really didn't find anything too exciting, so I decided to leave, but by now it was dark, so I went back to the appartments and fell asleep.

    Chapter 3:

    When I woke up, I didn't know where I was, then I remember what happened, "Oh yeah I'm in Newgrounds."

    So I went down to eat breakfast I had toast and orange juice, then I went outside of the appartments and I saw a giant theatre and I thought I would go over there, so I did, and I saw "Flash Portal" on the building, and when I got in I saw a giant theatre screen and then I noticed that on every seat there was a panel with 5 buttons, and above the buttons there were the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and after a movie was over I saw people press the buttons, so I went back to the BBS and found -LagerKapo-, and asked what you do at the Flash Portal, He said you watch movies and then you rate them, and if they reach a certain score after a certain amount of people vote on it then you can see them in the actual Newgrounds, in a bigger theatre than the Flash Portal, I said thanks, then went back to the Flash Portal, I watched this one flash by Bojangles8u, and I thought it was very very very good, so I went to find Bojangles8u, He was in the BBS in Flash helping out someone new to flashes, I walked up to him and told him that his flash was very very very good, and he said thank you, and then he tried to teach me how to make flash but I didn't understand it, but I thanked him anyway.

    I went out of the BBS to see whatelse I could find, so I searched Newgrounds for good movies and games that made it past the portal, by the time that was over and I went to sleep, but I never could of guessed what was going to happen next

    Chapter 4

    As I was sleeping I heard something glass break, so of course it woke me up, I walked into my living room and I saw someone dressed up in all black, and I screamed "AHHHHH ROBBER!", and then it started to run, I followed it, it took the stairs so I had to go down thousands of stairs, and then he ran out of the appartment, and I tripped as he ran down the street away from me, and I could hear him saying "H4H4 N00B SUXXORS. I went back to my room, and I tried to find what was gone, I couldn't find anything, but the glass shatering was my tv it knocked over, lucky I found him before he could take anything.

    Of course now I was scared, but there was nothing to do anymore, everything was closed, so I tried to fall a sleep, but I couldn't, so I just laied in bed, waiting for Morning to come.

    "OH NO!" I heard someone yell, I must of fallen asleep because I was laying on my bed, I was hoping that the person breaking into my room was just a dream, but when I walked into the living room my TV was broken, so I knew it wasn't a dream. I figured that I should probably go see what the person was screaming about, so I walked outside, and I looked over at the BBS, there was more people around it than usual, everyone had a frightened look on their face. I went over there and I saw4 people standing on platforms infront of the crowd, I found -LagerKapo- in the crowd and asked who those people were he said they were the leaders of Newgrounds, Tom Fulp, Wade Fulp, Second_Guy, and 7887_Tabs. I asked -LagerKapo- if he knew why they were up there, and then I heard one of them talk
    "People of Newgrounds, There has been a serious problem in the BBS, all of the windows and doors have been locked, and the windows have thick metal sheets on them so we cannot get in! I went to look at the door, I tried to open it, but it wouldn't open, then I remembered, you can use drivers licenses, and credit cards to pick locks, and since I have a Newgrounds Gold Card, it might work! So I tried to pick the lock with my Newgrounds Gold Card, and it worked, I went inside and I didn't see anything wrong, so I decided to go to the second floor, still nothing, and there was nothing on any of the floors, but I haven't check the top floor yet, so I used the elevator to go to the top floor and what I saw was TERRIBLE!

    Chapter 5

    As I looked around I saw the words "H4 H4 SUXXORS" and all the mods were dead on the floor.

    I walked outside of the BBS and The leaders of Newgrounds asked me what I saw, I told them exactly what I saw. They said it was Noobs who attacked the BBS, they could tell by the words they wrote on the wall.

    They asked me if I would help fight the Noobs, Of course I said yes. They told me they would get the best fighters they could, including the legendary fighters, Torkanso, TheSovereign, and Ramun_Flame. They would get all the clans too, the clock crew, the glock group, and the lock legion, and every clan they could find, and every flash artist and mod they could find. I just decided to go back to my appartment to get ready for the war I knew was going to be ahead of me

    Chapter 6

    I sat there for a few hours till about midnight, and then I decided to try and catch some sleep, but of course, how could I?

    I woke up at about 6 the next morning "Wow how did I get sleep?" Anyway I went outside of the appartment and the leaders of Newgrounds were yelling at me telling me to come that way, so I did, they showed me a group of warriors all with swords, he said they were lesser known clan, The Sword Swingers, and their leader was k3v1n2, then in the distance I could see a group of people in all black cloths "Oh No the noobs!" Tom Fulp Said. Uh OH!!!! Then the Sword Swingers charged the Noobs, but the noobs pulled out their Noob Guns and started firing they're noob bullets, the noob bullets were all aimed at one person k3v1n2, he just stood there awaiting death, until one of his clan members jumped in front of the bullet so their leader won't be killed. Then the whole Newgrounds army attacked, and the people with guns got close enough to try and get head shots, it was a bad war, but it was to protect their city, and they're ready to fight for it!

    Chapter 7, The Final Chapter

    Tom Fulp handed me a gun and told me to take it and go help with the war, then I relized it wasn't a normal gun, it could change into any kind of gun, I made it turn into an AK47, and I went into the crowd, trying to fight for Newgrounds. There was a pile of dead Noobs on the ground, but right next to that, there was a pile of dead Newgrounders. In that pile I saw k3v1n2, -LagerKapo-, Toranksu, TheSovereign and ramun_flame. I was sad to see them go..Tom Fulp was standing beside me, watching...and then I relized...Wade Fulp was in the pile too...thats what Tom Fulp was staring at...In a sad but determined voice Tom Fulp said "Let's go kill those Noobs!!!"

    Now I seemed more determined than ever to win this war! I was killing Noobs left and right I was aiming like crazy, I was doing awesome, it looked like we were winning, but the Noobs were making it close, Newgrounds had a bigger army but the Noobs had better amunition, But then all of a sudden Newgrounds lost hundreds of people, "They must of thrown a Noob Granade!!" Tom Fulp was in the area where the Noob Granade hit...I thought he was dead, but he came crawling out towards me, he said his last words "Kill those Noobs".

    Then he died right in front of me, the creator of Newgrounds, died right in front of me, the Noob army is winning, Newgrounds is going to be destoryed, the war went on and on, then I saw right in front of my eyes, 2 bullets collide and I relized how close to death I was, and soon the Noobs have broughten the Newgrounds army down to about a hundred people, and the Noob army had about double of that, I knew we were going to lose, and then I relized, I could turn my gun into a granade, but then my gun would blow up... We were catching up to the Noob army it was about 150 to 75, then I turned my gun into a granade laucher and launched a granade into a heavily Noob filled area, it killed about 50 Noobs, but 25 of my own troops, it was 100 to 50, Newgrounds behind, then I turned my gun into an AK47 again, and killed some Noobs with that, and the war kept going on and on, but as soon as I looked around me, I noticed our troops have gone down a lot, we had about 10 guys left, the noobs with about 25, I decided to use my gun as a granade now, so I threw it in between both of the Noob armys, It decreases them by about 15 people, it was 5 to 10 now Newgrounds with 5, I knew I was going to die, and Newgrounds' troops were going down fast, very fast, theres only 1 person besides me now, he is standing right next to me trying to shoot the Noobs, then all of a sudden he fell, I was all alone, it was me against 10 of the Noobs, I knew I was dead, then I could see my death bullets coming at me, it was all in slow motion, I tried to dodge it, but it hit me in the hand, it hurt, but I had to go on I had to protect Newgrounds!

    Then I relized, I had my gun back in my hand, I changed it into a shotgun, and I fired for my life, I got 3 noobs right in the head, it was 2 vs me, I was weakened by my hand, but I was still going, I killed one more Noob, so it was just 1 on 1, me vs the noob, It was whoever fired first, he had his finger on the trigger, pointing it at me, and I had my shotgun down, I was about to die, my life flashed before my eyes, but, right as the noob pulled the trigger, I ducked and hit the dirt, and he missed, that was his last bullet to, I have never killed somebody, we'll besides today, and before it wasn't as bad because I didn't really see the people die, they were in groups, so I couldn't see them bleed and die, I pulled the trigger, it hit the Noob, and, I won, I have saved Newgrounds, But there was only normal players left in Newgrounds, No mods or flash makers, I was crowned owner of Newgrounds, but I couldn't take it, I had to go back home to my Mom, so I hopped in my Mustang Convertable and left.

    When I got to my house, my hand was healed, and all of it felt like a dream, then, the next thing I relized, I was on my bed, my normal bed at my house, it was a dream! All about me going to Newgrounds and everything, it was a dream!!..But I remembered the war, and I thought that I am not going to leave the house again, this will not happen again