If you consider '06ers oldskool...
Alright, so despite some peoples assumptions (actually, no one even talked about it) I have been around since '06
There are a couple users I remember, that were really cool in my eyes, or at least someone to look up to...Without further a due, my OldSkool User Luff List! (in no specific order)
ShitOnAStick - One badass female mod. She was one of the cooler mods, not just because she would let stuff slid, but because she was actually a person. She would monitor the BBS, but still have fun. Even though it was in General :p. ShitOnAStick is still around, just not in the BBS (I know this because I sent her a pm a short while ago)
BonusStage - BonusStage is still around, just like SOAS. This one still posts in the forums, but he was still around on my first Newgrounds spurt. He still posts, but never in the Flash forum, which is usually where I hang out. He is a general and video game person. This was one of the guys I looked up to in my earlier times at newgrounds. One day he was spamming, and for some reason I got really mad and sad at him, so that was the end of that...but he's still cool.
ZeroAsALimit - Alright, I looked up to this guy because at the time (and he might still) have the highest post count on newgrounds. I mean seriously, he has 34 posts a day! I looked up and respected this guy. This guy is still around too (damn, my oldskool users aren't too oldskool are they?) he chills in the general forum.
Noobish-Pineapple - Oh wait, that was my old account, and I don't respect myself at all, I need to take ME of the list.
ZekeySpaceyLizard - Yet another one that posts from time to time. He was my hero...just cuz he was awesome. He's still around and he still posts every once a while, but that doesn't change the fact that he was cool back in my time
Denvish - K, everyone knew that Denvish was going to be on my list eventually. He did so much for Newgrounds, its not even funny. He created an uploader for the newgrounders to use...Unfortunately some people abused it and it had to be taken down. He created AS: Main, AS3: Main, which has helped plenty of people. On top of those contributions he was a great mod, and people have learned from him. Some mods in the flash forum go by WWDD, which stands for What Would Denvish Do (thanks either jmtb, Luis, or Kirk for that, I forgot which one :P). He left had a great impact on newgrounds...too bad he had to leave.
BatDan - BatDan isn't very popular (or at least most people don't remember him) I guess I mostly remember him for this thread not exactly sure why I remember that so much...but I do, so it counts. I might remember it because of its awesome pictures...Heh, and it was during the SOAP (snakes on a plane) thing, where everyone was obsessed with SOAP.
BigBadRon - Because if you don't love him he'll eat you. Plus, he lost a finger, so you gotta love him, but apparently some people don't:
But cmon, he brought us some awesome moments too, like here wasn't his post, but he pointed something great out.
Hey, lookie here, its BigBadRon on youtube!
Maus - Maus was a great mod. Nice, but not too nice, strict, but not too strict. I still have the birthday cake from his birthday '06, thats how special he was. (and thats the picture thats attached to this.
Plus, he brought us this video
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And thats the end of my luff list, sorry if I forgot you, or maybe you just weren't special enough, who knows.
People didn't abuse the denvish uploader, it just became far more popular than he thought it would be and he ran out of bandwidth points or whatever. There was only one instance of abuse-- a malicious .txt file.
I recognize everyone on that list. I spend too much time on the BBs :/
Ehh, I was leaving about the time it got shut down so I didn't stay around for all the details...But I knew it got shut down somewhere
And no, you don't spend too much time on the BBS, you've been here longer than me, so you should know these people more than me
So technically I spend too much time on the BBS...way too much